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At the smallest domestic scale, French 2Dā€™s Dinner Cozy makes visible the social and physical negotiations of the dinner table. The many-armed tablecloth plays host to up to 28 guests and insists on an acknowledgement of its presence, while enveloping chairs and providing warmth.

The negotiation that ensues questions established conventions of etiquette and personal thermal comfort, introducing humor and play for prosocial ends.  new affordances emerge ā€“ from the practical in an expanded temperature range for outdoor dining, to the visceral as the collective object connects, hugs, or protects its wearers.

Notable installations include: a spring evening in Brooklyn for a dinner hosted by Madame Architect and THISxTHAT; a cold October afternoon on the sidewalk in front of the Harvard GSD with GSD NOMAS and Loeb Fellows; and a celebratory summer night on a lawn in Cambridge with the teaching team of the Design Discovery.   

Images Credits: French 2D, Belle Morizio, Jack Raymond, Pin Sangkaeo. All rights reserved.